Our Authors | Theo Malings

Theo Malings (she/her) is a dyslexic Anglo-Welsh writer and unpaid carer living in a picturesque North Walian village that really deserves its own crime-solving pensioner. She mainly writes comedic book club fiction about women who are the smartest person in the room but has also been found having churlish opinions in The Bookseller. Her manuscript, THE LOST SECRET OF OWAIN GLYNDWR, about a permanently irritated 40-something who must help her university frenemy find a lost Welsh treasure before somebody who isn’t going to donate it to a museum can, was shortlisted for the 2023 First Novel Prize.
She is a member of Literature Wales’ 2023 (Re)Writing Wales Emerging Writer cohort, writing creative non-fiction about Welsh identity. In 2020 she was longlisted for Penguin Random Houses’ #WriteNow program for people underrepresented in publishing.
In her spare time, she sews inadvisably large cross-stitch projects full of cat hair. She has been trained in Cyber.