Our Authors | Kalaf Epalanga

Kalaf Epalanga (Benguela – Angola, 1978), is a musician, writer, and member of the award-winning band Buraka Som Sistema. He has written columns for the newspaper O Público, GQ Magazine (Portugal) and Rede Angola. He currently writes for the Brazilian magazine Quatro Cinco Um. He published the books Estórias de Amor para Meninos de Cor (Love Stories for Kids of Colour) and O Angolano que Comprou Lisboa (Por Metade do Preço) (The Angolan who Bought Lisbon (at Half the Price) ). Kalaf’s debut novel, WHITES CAN DANCE TOO, was translated by Daniel Hahn and published by Faber in June 2023.

También los Blancos Saben Bailar
Published by Temas de Hoy

Também os Branco Sabem Dançar
Published by Todivia (Brazil)

Também os Branco Sabem Dançar
Published by Caminho (Portugal)